What Exactly Is Bullying?
“Bullying is characterized by aggression used within a relationship where the aggressor(s) has more real or perceived power than the target, and the aggression is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying can involve overt physical behavior or verbal, emotional, or social behaviors (e.g., excluding someone from social activities, making threats, withdrawing attention, destroying someone’s reputation) and can range from blatant aggression to far more subtle and covert behaviors. Cyberbullying, or bullying through electronic technology (e.g., cell phones, computers, online/social media), can include offensive text messages or e-mails, rumors or embarrassing photos posted on social networking sites, or fake online profiles.” [Dear Colleague Letter, p. 2 (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) August 13, 2013)]
Important to Remember! Not all poor behavior is bullying:
- Students and families must know the difference between Rude, Mean & Bullying Behavior.
- Conflicts are two or more students or groups that are engaged in a disagreement. Students involved in a conflict are not necessarily bullies; they may need help learning how to resolve the conflict positively.
- Please make claims of bullying responsibly. It is important to learn the facts first.
If you suspect your child or another student has been the victim of bullying, please report it to a teacher, office staff member, or the principal.